Security officer's guide to completing and submitting personnel security screening forms

As a company security officer (CSO) or alternate company security officer (ACSO), you will find out how to complete and submit online personnel security screening forms to Public Services and Procurement Canada's (PSPC) Contract Security Program (CSP). Learn how to handle situations such as when an applicant doesn't sign their form electronically.

On this page

Completing personnel security screening forms

This guide provides detailed information to help you, and the applicant, complete personnel security screening forms.

Submitting personnel security screening forms

Learn how to submit the appropriate personnel security screening forms to the CSP . These forms can be completed either by using the online industrial security services (OLISS) portal or by hand.

In this section

Before submitting forms

Before submitting the personnel security screening form(s) and as part of the personnel security screening process, the applicant is required to consent to having their personal information verified. The CSO or ACSO and the applicant must also sign the relevant personnel security screening form(s) to confirm the accuracy of the information provided.

Submitting forms completed online (recommended)

Submitting applications electronically is a convenient and effective service that increases the accuracy of the applications and allows the CSP to initiate the process more quickly.

Follow these steps to electronically submit a form that was completed using the OLISS portal:

  1. the applicant and the CSO or ACSO select the Form Completeness Check and Submission menu option, which will
  2. the applicant submits the completed form(s) to the CSO or ACSO for review
  3. the CSO or ACSO submits the completed form(s) to the CSP for processing

Electronic signature option (recommended option)

By selecting this option, all the required signatures and initials will be electronically submitted with the online application. The CSO or ACSO doesn't have to submit a hard copy of the form(s).

To take advantage of this option, both the applicant and the CSO or ACSO must select the electronic signature option when submitting the form(s).

This option can be selected only if:

Original signature option

If this option is selected when submitting the form, the CSO or ACSO must also submit a hard copy of the form(s) to the CSP . The form(s) must be signed and initialed by both the applicant and CSO or ACSO .

Completing forms on behalf of the applicant

When the CSO or ACSO assigns the application to themselves to complete on behalf of the applicant, the CSO or ACSO can select either the original signature option or the electronic signature option.

If the original signature option is selected, the CSO or ACSO will have to submit a hard copy of the form(s) signed and initialed by both the applicant and the CSO or ACSO .

If the electronic signature option is selected, the CSO or ACSO can only electronically sign their portion of the form. They cannot electronically sign on behalf of the applicant, and will have to submit a hard copy of the form(s) signed and initialed by the applicant.

When the applicant has electronically signed only 1 of the 2 forms

When the applicant submits only 1 of the 2 forms with the electronic signature such as the Personnel screening, consent and authorization form or the Security clearance form, the CSO or ACSO must either:

When either the applicant or the security officer has not electronically signed the form(s)

The CSO or ACSO will have to submit a hard copy of the form(s) to the CSP . The form(s) must be signed and initialed by both the applicant and the CSO or ACSO .

Whenever a form is missing, the CSP will contact the CSO or ACSO and request that they submit a hard copy of the signed form.

Submitting forms completed by hand

Please note that manual requests may be subject to processing delays.

  1. the applicant and the CSO or ACSO sign the form(s)
  2. the CSO or ACSO submits the respective personnel security screening form(s) to the Contract Security Program by fax, mail, courier or email

Providing personal information to Public Services and Procurement Canada

PSPC is committed to ensure the privacy and security of personal information. However, applicants remain responsible for the security and confidentiality of any personal information provided to PSPC , until it is received. Applicants may choose to transmit personal or sensitive information by regular mail, by email or by fax at their discretion. However, for security reasons, we recommend using registered mail or priority courier as these are more secure delivery methods.


Additional documents must be submitted for personnel security screening request requiring electronic fingerprints.

Terminating an employee's personnel security screening

The CSO or ACSO must fill out the Security screening certificate and briefing form ( TBS / SCT 330-47) to terminate an employee's personnel security screening when they leave your organization.

Refer to the how to complete the Security screening certificate and briefing form ( TBS / SCT 330-47) to ensure the accuracy of the information required in the form.