Understanding anger: How psychologists help with anger problems

Psychologists can help people recognize and avoid the triggers that make them angry. They can also provide ways to help people manage the inevitable anger that sometimes flares without warning.

Last updated: December 30, 2019 Date created: November 1, 2017 4 min read Cite This Article

American Psychological Association. (2019, December 30). Understanding anger: How psychologists help with anger problems. https://www.apa.org/topics/anger/understanding

How Psychologists Help With Anger Problems

Everyone gets mad at times. The target of your ire might be a stranger, a loved one or even yourself. Or, you might find yourself furious over external events, such as a delayed flight or a political incident. While anger is a normal human emotion, misplaced or uncontrolled anger can quickly become problematic.

You can learn strategies to help control your anger. Sometimes, though, people need extra help to keep their rage at bay.

Psychologists can help people recognize and avoid the triggers that make them angry. They can also provide ways to help them manage the inevitable anger that sometimes flares without warning.

Uncontrolled anger

Uncontrolled anger looks different from person to person. Some people are quietly seething at the world most of the time. Some can’t help but dwell on events that made them mad. Others have quick tempers and may even exhibit aggressive or violent behavior.

Uncontrolled anger can be hard to define. Unlike depression (which can be thought of as a dysfunctional form of sadness) or anxiety (a dysfunctional form of worry), uncontrolled anger doesn’t have a name or an official diagnosis.

Nevertheless, anger can be dysfunctional, and people who experience it often don’t realize how big a problem it is. That’s because in the short term, anger can be effective. Blowing up at your kids might seem like a good strategy if it results in them doing their chores. Losing your temper at work might feel productive if it gets your coworkers to do things your way.

Unfortunately, people often fail to see the long-term consequences of uncontrolled anger. Those can include health effects such as high blood pressure and increased risk of heart disease, as well as social disharmony among family members, friends, and coworkers.

You might need some help learning to control your anger if you recognize any of these signs:

Seeing a psychologist about anger

Hundreds of research studies have explored the effectiveness of therapies for treating anger. Several large analyses of the published research suggest that overall, approximately 75% of people receiving anger management therapy improved as a result.

Though there has been less research on other methods for treating anger, several appear to show promise. Those include:

Anger often goes hand-in-hand with other problems, such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, or alcohol problems. Psychologists can help treat those conditions while also providing strategies for managing the anger that goes along with them.

Psychotherapy for anger: What to expect

If you see a psychologist for help with anger problems, you can plan on examining the triggers that set you off. You’ll explore how your experiences of anger were helpful or harmful, both in the short-term and in the long-term.

You’ll probably examine the thoughts that precede your anger and explore whether they’re accurate assessments of reality. Psychologists may also help you learn to resolve conflicts in a more constructive way and rebuild relationships that have been damaged by your anger.

Unfortunately, not all anger management classes are based on the latest scientific evidence. If you’re seeking help for your anger, look for a trained mental health professional with experience treating anger. They may offer treatments one-on-one or in group settings.

Psychologists are highly trained experts who tailor a treatment plan to address the unique needs of each patient. To find a licensed psychologist in your area, use our Psychologist Locator.

APA gratefully acknowledges psychologists Raymond W. Novaco, PhD, and Raymond DiGiuseppe, PhD, for their help with this fact sheet.