Lyceum of the Philippines University - Cavite (LPU Cavite) Requirements
Yes. But these two additional years will equip you with skills that will better prepare you for the future, whether it be; Kolehiyo, Trabaho or Negosyo!
Graduate School Entrance Test Requirements and Procedure
- Fill out Application Form at Please take note of your Applicant ID number after saving then proceed to the Admissions Office.
- Present your applicant ID number at the Admissions Office and submit:
- 2pcs 2x2 identical photos with white background
- Get a test permit from the admission staff then proceed to the Cashier’s Office for the payment of the testing fee of Php450 for Filipino students and USD100 for Foreign students
- Return to the Admissions Office for the verification of your examination date and time.
- Take the exam on your designated exam date, time and room. Read carefully the conditions and instructions in taking the entrance test written on your test permit.
- Verify the online application information (AIMS)/create an online account at CPAD/Admissions Office
- Submit complete enrollment requirements:
- 1pc. 1x1 and 2pcs 2x2 identical colored photos with white background
- Original and Photocopy of NSO/PSA Birth Certificate
- Diploma (original or Certified true copy)
- Marriage Contract (For Females if married, original and photocopy)
- TOR (original and photocopy)
- Remarks: for Further Studies and Copy for LPU Cavite
- Accomplish enrollment forms (Data Privacy Policy & Undertaking form)
- Submit evaluated enrollment forms and credentials to Student Records Management/Registrar’s Office (Windows 1-5)
- Enlist in subjects
- Apply for Alumni & Siblings Discount/Honor Graduates Scholarship if applicable
- The Accounting Office at Windows 6-13 will assess your fees
- Once paid, the Office will issue an Official Receipt (OR)
- Get a referral slip for Medical and Dental check-up from the Health Services/Clinic
- Take the School ID picture at the Information and Communications Technology Department
- Fill out Application Form at Complete the information needed and save. Please take note of your Applicant ID number/Username and Password after saving your account and proceed to the Admissions Office.
- Present your applicant ID number & submit the following:
- 2pcs 2x2 identical photos with white background
- Get a test permit from the admission staff then proceed to the Cashier’s Office for payment of the testing fee
- A testing fee of Php450 for Filipino students and USD100 for Foreign students
- Return to the Admissions Office for the verification of your examination date and time.
- Take the exam on your designated exam date, time, and room. Read carefully the conditions and instructions in taking the entrance test at the back of the test permit.
- Students who “PASSED” the Senior High School Entrance Exam are automatically qualified to reserve their slot.
- Students who got “FOR INTERVIEW” status on the exam need to undergo an interview before they can reserve their slot.
- Students who got “FAILED” status on the exam are automatically not qualified to proceed to reservation and enrolment. They can retake the exam after a year.
- Create an online student account/cumulative record at You will be directed to the Applicant Access Module. Type your LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, MIDDLE NAME, DATE OF BIRTH, click continue. Complete the information needed and don't forget to SAVE your account. Please take note of your USERNAME and PASSWORD after saving your account.
- Proceed to CPAD / Admissions Office for verification of entrance exam result, online account, and issuance of reservation slip.
- Pay the reservation fee of Php1000 at the Cashier (Windo 7 to 13)
- Proceed to the Student Records Management Department (Window 5). Present receipt, entrance exam result, and applicant’s cumulative record for verification.
- Enroll with complete requirements.
- Entrance exam result
- 1x1 and 2pcs 2x2 identical colored photos with white background
- Original Report Card
- Original Good Moral Certification
- Original and Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate
- Result of evaluated subjects
- Verify the online application information (AIMS)/create an online account at CPAD/Admissions Office
- Submit complete enrollment requirements
- Accomplish enrollment forms (Data Privacy Policy & Undertaking form)
- Submit evaluated enrollment forms and credentials to Student Records Management/Registrar’s Office (Windows 1-5)
- Enlist in subjects
- Apply for Alumni & Siblings Discount/Honor Graduates Scholarship if applicable
- The Accounting Office at Windows 6-13 will assess your fees
- Once paid, the Office will issue an Official Receipt (OR)
- Get a referral slip for Medical and Dental check-up from the Health Services/Clinic
- Order the school uniform and books at the University Bookstore
- Take the School ID picture at the Information and Communications Technology Department
- Submit ESC or have DepEd voucher certified at the International School Office if applicable
- An applicant must have taken and passed the Philippine Law School Admission Test.
- An applicant must be a graduate of any Bachelor’s degree and must have earned at least eighteen (18) units of English, eighteen units of Social Sciences (including Rizal), and six (6) units of Mathematics.
- Honor graduates and LPU alumni are entitled to discounts
- Certificate of Grade/PhiLSAT eligibility
- Certificate of good moral character
- Transcript of Records with Special Order (S.O.) number or its equivalent for a baccalaureate degree, with remarks “Copy for Lyceum of the Philippines University” or “For further studies”
- Birth Certificate duly authenticated by the Philippine Statistics Authority
- Two (2) pieces 2x2 colored ID pictures
- Certified true copy of grades
- Honorable dismissal
- Certificate of Eligibility to take up Law from the previous school attended (Form C-1)
- Applicants must undergo an initial interview.
- Fill out Application Form at Complete the information needed and save. Please take note of your Applicant ID number/Username and Password after saving your account and proceed to the Admissions Office.
- Present your applicant ID number & submit the following:
- 2pcs 2x2 identical photos with white background
- Get a test permit from the admission staff then proceed to the Cashier’s Office for payment of the testing fee
- A testing fee of Php450 for Filipino students and USD100 for Foreign students
- Return to the Admissions Office for the verification of your examination date and time.
- Take the exam on your designated exam date, time, and room. Read carefully the conditions and instructions in taking the entrance test at the back of the test permit.
- Entrance exam result
- 1x1 and 2pcs 2x2 identical colored photos with white background
- Original Good Moral Certification
- Original and Photocopy of NSO/PSA Birth Certificate
- Original Transfer Credential / Honorable Dismissal
- True copy of Grades / Temporary Transcript of Records (with grading system)
- Course / Subject Description (with school dry seal)
- Results of evaluated subjects
- Entrance exam result
- 1pc. 1x1 and 2pcs 2x2 identical colored photos with white background
- Certificate of Completion
- Good Moral Certificate
- Original Copy of Grades/Ratings
- DepEd Eligibility for College Admission
- Original and Photocopy of NSO/PSA Birth Certificate
- Entrance exam result
- 1pc. 1x1 and 2pcs 2x2 identical colored photos with white background
- Certificate of Completion
- Good Moral Certificate
- Original Copy of Grades/Ratings
- DepEd Eligibility for College Admission
- Original and Photocopy of NSO/PSA Birth Certificate
- Entrance exam result
- 1x1 and 2pcs 2x2 identical colored photos with white background
- Original NFE Result
- DepEd Eligibility for College Admission
- Original and Photocopy of NSO/PSA Birth Certificate
- Entrance exam result
- 1x1 and 2pcs 2x2 identical colored photos with white background
- Original PEPT Result
- DepEd Eligibility for College Admission
- Original and Photocopy of NSO/PSA Birth Certificate
- Entrance exam result
- 1x1 and 2pcs 2x2 identical colored photos with white background
- Authenticated School Records from the Philippine Embassy in the relevant countries of schooling (With English translation)
- Photocopy of Passport
- Original and Photocopy of NSO/PSA Birth Certificate
- Certificate of Dual Citizenship and Certificate of Identity (if dual citizen)
- Entrance exam result
- 1x1, 3pcs passport-size, and 3pcs 2x2 identical colored photos with white background
- Authenticated School Documents (With English translation)
- Original Notarized Financial Statement
- Photocopy of Passport (Bio page/ Latest Arrival / Las Authorized Stay)
- Student Visa (18years old & above) SSP (below 18 years old)
- Original Birth Certificate
- Original Police/NBI Clearance
- Medical Certificate / Quarantine Medical Clearance
- ACR I-Card
- Report Card
- Certificate of Good Moral Character
- Honorable Dismissal (if transferee)
- Certification of Grades (if transferee)
- Verify the online application information (AIMS)/create an online account at CPAD/Admissions Office
- Submit complete enrollment requirements
- Accomplish enrollment forms (Data Privacy Policy & Undertaking form)
- Submit evaluated enrollment forms and credentials to Student Records Management/Registrar’s Office (Windows 1-5)
- Enlist in subjects
- Apply for Alumni & Siblings Discount/Honor Graduates Scholarship if applicable
- The Accounting Office at Windows 6-13 will assess your fees
- Once paid, the Office will issue an Official Receipt (OR)
- Get a referral slip for Medical and Dental check-up from the Health Services/Clinic
- Order the school uniform and books at the University Bookstore
- Take the School ID picture at the Information and Communications Technology Department
- Fill out Application Form at Complete the information needed and save. Please take note of your Applicant ID number/Username and Password after saving your account and proceed to the Admissions Office.
- Present your applicant ID number & submit the following:
- 2pcs 2x2 identical photos with white background
- Get a test permit from the admission staff then proceed to the Cashier’s Office for payment of the testing fee
- A testing fee of Php450 for Filipino students and USD100 for Foreign students
- Return to the Admissions Office for the verification of your examination date and time.
- Take the exam on your designated exam date, time, and room. Read carefully the conditions and instructions in taking the entrance test at the back of the test permit.
- Overall Rank 1 among the total graduating batch of 40 and above
- Overall Rank 2 among the total graduating batch of 40 and above
- Overall Rank 3 among the total graduating batch of 101 and above
- Editor-In-Chief of the official student or high school publication.
- Students who took the JPL-SHL President’s Scholarship examination but were not awarded the scholarship.
- Second Coursers
- Entrance exam result
- 1x1 and 2pcs 2x2 identical colored photos with white background
- Original Grade 12 Report Card
- Original Good Moral Certification
- Original and Photocopy of NSO/PSA Birth Certificate
- Verify the online application information (AIMS)/create an online account at CPAD/Admissions Office
- Submit complete enrollment requirements
- Accomplish enrollment forms (Data Privacy Policy & Undertaking form)
- Submit evaluated enrollment forms and credentials to Student Records Management/Registrar’s Office (Windows 1-5)
- Enlist in subjects
- Apply for Alumni & Siblings Discount/Honor Graduates Scholarship if applicable
- The Accounting Office at Windows 6-13 will assess your fees
- Once paid, the Office will issue an Official Receipt (OR)
- Get a referral slip for Medical and Dental check-up from the Health Services/Clinic
- Order the school uniform and books at the University Bookstore
- Take the School ID picture at the Information and Communications Technology Department